The model 454 was made between 1972 - 82. you did not state the condition of the pistol so it is not possible to answer you as to the value,
The Crosman model 454 was made between 1977-1982, in two variations it was modeled after the Colt Woodsman. It is a 16 shot BB C02 pistol. It good condition it is worth between $25 - $30.
See the link below for the Crosman 454 Owners Manual.
It was made between 1978-82. State the condition of the pistol to get an estimate of value. Is it still working? Rate it poor to excellent or like new?
This pistol was made between 1978 and 1984. Crosman no longer supplies parts for this model, But the offer a free service to locate shops that repair older Crosman air guns. See the link below
it depends on what year and model the motor is? the 90' silverado ss 454 had 230hp
Depends on the year and vehicle it was installed in.Depends on the year and vehicle it was installed in.
In order to give an estimate of value I need to know the condition of the pistol, Is it still working? Is it in Excellent, Very good, Good, Fair or Poor condition?
Model 454 Mfg 1972-82. Crosman no longer repairs this model but you can search the web under "Air Gun repair" and find a location near you to repair it. However remember that this gun in PERFECT condition is only worth about $50 at best.
Depends on the year and vehicle it was installed in.Depends on the year and vehicle it was installed in.
see the link below for the owners manual.
In some 454's 330hp, in other 454's with bigger heads 390hp