Crosman offers a service to locate repair shops the repair older Crosman, Benjamin and Sheridan air guns. See the link below
Model 454 Mfg 1972-82. Crosman no longer repairs this model but you can search the web under "Air Gun repair" and find a location near you to repair it. However remember that this gun in PERFECT condition is only worth about $50 at best.
Most likely "No," but here is the parts drawing for the pistol (see the link below) Crosman offers a service to locate repair shops that fix older Crosman air guns see the link below
Yes. All 12 oz powerletts are made the same. In fact Crosman owns both Benjamin and Sheridan air rifles. Also when you are finished shooting remove the powerlett from the pistol. Never leave one in the pistol, because it can warp the seal. It's not worth leaving it in the gun for a "70 cents" item to save money. The continuous pressure can damage your pistol.
Crosman still supports this air pistol. See the link below.
Crosman sells parts for the 1377. contact Crosman customer service. see the link below.
Crosman no longer has parts for this pistol. However they offer a free service to locate independent shops that repair older Crosman air guns and rifles. See the link below.
See the related link at the bottom of this page to see the Crosman 1088 parts manual.
I only have some information for you. Any JC Higgins air pistol that begins with model 126 was made by Crosman air gun. Any model that starts with 799 was made by Daisy air gun. I suggest you click the Crosman link below and check the owners manuals to try to locate your pistol. Then re-post the Crosman model number along with the condition of the pistol to get an estimate of value.
I assume you are asking about the Crosman model 36 Frontier. If this is the right pistol then please state the condition of the pistol to get an estimate of value. Is it in Poor, Fair, Good, Vary Good or Excellent condition?
Crosman offers a service to locate shops that repair older Crosman air guns and rifles. See the link below.
Crosman air gun company owns Sheridan. Crosman offers a free service to locate shops that repair Crosman products. See the link below.