if it's on the pc, here's your answer; Scroll over the lifetime wish, & it will say what you need to do to accomplish your lifetime wish. Same with wishes or promises.
You get them from bonus gift boxes, wheel of wishes, wish darts, and webkinz cares. that's at least where i know them from
It depends on which shenron. The red shenron can give a charecter, stages, and money. The green shenron is basically has the same wishes hope this helped
no but i wish
The balls were never officially tested in dbz, or GT, but there was talk of 3 wishes before the first voyage to Namek to revive Kami. There is no proven answer, but a rumor going around on earth at the time was 3, so that's a strong number to guess.
My Hogwarts acceptance letter, a pet unicorn, and a sandwich.
They grant wishes that are not selfish. For example; I wish my mum would get better, Your mum may get better. But if you wish for something like: I wish I was rich! They would not grant it.
I would wish to find that one and only dream guy.
The monkeys paw is a talisman and it 3 people 3 wishes and the 3nd wish is always for death.
first: i would wish for riches second:being immortalthird:three more wishes
The family wish you or the family wishes you
No, You would be lucky, but not make wishes...
find a Jeanie get 3 wishes last wish ask for more
Wishes is the plural. The singular form is wish.
wish or wishes I wish for a long life She wishes for money
find a Jeanie get 3 wishes last wish ask for more