The simple answer for this question would be Slave hunters or Slave catchers..
A vampire or vampiress' psychically controlled mind slaves are called thralls.
They're called predators; animals that eat meat are carnivores.
An animal that's hunted by another animal is called the prey, and if you are hunting an animal, you are the predator.
It means its being hunted by another animal or it means its something or someone's food
A preythey are called prey. most herbivores, plant eaters, are prey apart from those which are poisonous or have weapons. apart from the animals at the top of its food chain most animals are eaten by other animals. there is no specific animal if that was what the question was asking.
They was called slaveholders.
Slaves or enslaved people in Sparta were called helots.
Wealthy people
people wanted other people to do work for them so they called the black people as slaves and told them to go work for them
They were called abolitionists.
Slave catchers
The Romans called their slaves by their names.The Romans called their slaves by their names.The Romans called their slaves by their names.The Romans called their slaves by their names.The Romans called their slaves by their names.The Romans called their slaves by their names.The Romans called their slaves by their names.The Romans called their slaves by their names.The Romans called their slaves by their names.