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A vampire or vampiress' psychically controlled mind slaves are called thralls.

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Q: What are vampires slaves called?
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What were people called that hunted slaves?

The simple answer for this question would be Slave hunters or Slave catchers..

Do some vampires suck animal blood?

Vampire bats do. Vampires as depicted in the movies etc are not real.

Do Vampires bite humans?

No.Vampires do not exist and never have.The symptoms suffered by so-called "vampires" (pale skin, sensitivity to light, lust for blood, etc) are actually the symptoms of two known mental health disorders. Porphyria and Renfield's syndrome.Renfield's syndrome is the most common of the two. Those with Renfield's syndrome suffer from a personality disorder affiliation with the dead and a lust for drinking blood.Back in the days of old, we didn't understand medical conditions properly. So we called people who had them "monsters". In this case, those suffering from Renfield's syndrome were called monsters, or vampires. In fact, they are just simple humans with a medical disorder.

Why are vampires nocturnal?

That topic is always argued about, some say that vampires burst into flames if the sun hits their skin because the lack of nutrients and pigments in their skin. Others say that vampires only come out at night because the people who are out at time are...tastier. No one knows for sure except for the vampires themselvs.

How do vampires mate?

In popular folklore and mythology, vampires typically reproduce by turning humans into vampires through a bite. The act of mating as in sexual intercourse is not commonly depicted as a way for vampires to create offspring in traditional vampire lore.

Related questions

Do vampier have pets?

vampires don't have pets, they have slaves.

Is there a legend where werewolves were slaves to vampires?

such is the back story to Underworld.

Can vampires make werewolves their pets?

yes the can spell them and make them slaves for the rest of their life

What are the good vampires called of twilight?

vegetarian vampires

Who were the roman slaves called?

The Romans called their slaves by their names.The Romans called their slaves by their names.The Romans called their slaves by their names.The Romans called their slaves by their names.The Romans called their slaves by their names.The Romans called their slaves by their names.The Romans called their slaves by their names.The Romans called their slaves by their names.The Romans called their slaves by their names.

How are vampires known?

That dumb thing called "Twilight", they totally ruined vampires. They turned scary vampires to gay vampires.

Is there such things called vampires?

No there isn't such a thing! You have maybe heard story's of Lord Dracula, but he wasn't a vampire he was a cruel lord who has stick his slaves on giant sharp wooden pillars!

Is there a book called vampires suck?

No, the Vampires Suck movie was a parody of the Twilight series.

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