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Be sweet and tell her how u feel. and if she says no or she wants to think about it, give her some space. She'll come around.

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Q: What to you say to a girl to ask her to be your girlfriend?
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What should you say to ask a girl to be your girlfriend?

usually guys say "will you go out with me?" or "will you be my girlfriend?"

How do you ask a girl to be your girlfriend if she likes someone else?

Just ask her you never no what she will say

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Maybe he will ask: why? If the girl is his girlfriend.

If you are 16 and never had a girlfriend are you unattractive?

im a girl. and i say if your 16 and never had a girlfriend that just means that your to good for girls. maybe you should ask out a girl.

How do you get your a girl who is kind-of your girlfriend to become your girlfriend?

just ask her out.

How to get a girl to be your girlfriend?

easy. ask her out

How do you get a girl if she likes you?

Ask her to be your girlfriend.

How do ask a girl to be your girlfriend?


How do you make a fifth grade girl be a 4th graders girlfriend?

Just ask and say I love you girl so be my gf I'm a 5th grade girl

How do you make a girl be your girlfriend?

Firstly, You don't MAKE a girl be your girlfriend.. she will choose to be it. Secondly, You just ask her out.

How do you make a girl my girlfriend?

ask her on a date

How can you get a girlfriend if you're at school?

Ask a girl.