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Many of the tests available now are not specific to time of day past a certain point in pregnancy, often from the time your period is due. If you want to be really sure, do the test first thing in the morning, as the hcg levels in the urine are highest then, and this is what a pregnancy test is looking for. Also, don't test the urine that comes out first, but test the mid-stream urine. However, most tests are so sensitive that they are quite reliable without these precautions.

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Q: What time of the day should you take a pregnancy test?
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When is the correct time to take a pregnancy test?

I think that you should take a pregnancy test when you think you are pregnant, or when you feel something in your tummy.

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If you are a woman, you may take the pregnancy test at any time. If you are a man, you do not need to take the test; you are not pregnant.

When on birth control can you still take a pregnancy test?

You can take a pregnancy test any time you like. Birth control does not affect the accuracy of a pregnancy test.

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"After pregnancy?"If you know you are pregnant then don't take the test.Lmao -_-

How many days should you wait to take a pregnancy test once diarrhea happens?

AnswerNo time limit. Make sure to thoroughly clean front to back so you don't contaminate the urineAnswerYou can take a pregnancy test whilst you have diarrhea. It will not affect the result.

What time in the morning to take a test?

The best time to take a pregnancy test in the morning is right before you first urinate. This will give you the most accurate results by allowing the pregnancy hormone to accumulate therefore be easier to detect by the test.

How long after late short period should you take a pregnancy test?

Its best to perform a pregnancy test, 3-4 weeks after you last had intercourse or when your period is a few days late.

After how much time girl get to know that she is pregnant?

You should wait at least 14 days after having sex to confirm pregnancy. By this time the pregnancy hormone (hcg) should be high enough for a home pregnancy to detect. Be sure to read the instructions of the pregnancy test through to get accurate results. For example, testing in the morning is the best time, don't drink excessive fluids before taking the test just to be able to take the test sooner, etc.

Can urine from toilet affect a pregnancy test?

No, urine in a toilet should not affect the results of a pregnancy test as long as the sample is collected correctly and the test is used within the specified time frame. It is important to follow the instructions provided with the pregnancy test for accurate results.

If you just had a baby would a pregnancy test be positive?

For a while after giving birth a pregnancy test can still come back positive. However, you shouldn't be having sex for at least six weeks after giving birth. So there should not be a need to take a test at that time.

If you think you are pregnant when is the earliest to take a pregnancy test?

The most accurate time to take a pregnancy test is 3 weeks after you had intercourse. Many HPTs claim to be accurate on the day of your missed period, but that is doubtful. If you wait a week after your missed period, you should get accurate and unambiguous readings.

Can you get pregnant after missin your shot two weeks?

Yes. Any time you miss birth control and have unprotected sex there is a possibility of pregnancy. You should take a home pregnancy test and/or see your Dr.