Well, honey, if Aunt Flo hasn't shown up for her monthly visit, it's time to whip out that pregnancy test. The sooner you take it after missing your period, the more accurate the results will be. So, stop procrastinating and pee on that stick already!
A pregnancy test should be taken after your first missed period, however there are a few tests which you can take at least 6 days before your missed period.
The day of your missed period if your worried about being pregnant.
When you miss a period , you should take a pregnancy test at once, because you could very well be pregnant.
Yes, if you missed your period, you should definitely be able to get a result from a pregnancy test ten days after.
You should take a pregnancy test shortly after your missed period. That is when a home pregnancy test is most effective. Although I have heard you can do a blood test at the doctor as soon as 2 weeks before your missed period.
19 years old, sexually active - at least once - and have missed a period? Yes, you should take a pregnancy test. Or see a medical professional.
yep your screwed if it's you
To get better results you should wait for your missed period. Some people even if they missed their period they do a test and it still becomes negative. It's best to wait a few days later after your missed period and then do the home pregnancy test. If it comes out negative and you still missing your period you should go to your doctor to get the best answer.
Yes, you should wait at least Til your missed period.
Taking a pregnancy test seven days before a missed period won't be accurate.
A woman should take a pregnancy test on the first day that she has missed her period, it is best to take the test in the morning for the best results.
It depends on the pregnancy test really, the newer ones can tell you that you're pregnate i think a week before you missed period, but if you've already missed your period any test should be able to tell you.