drink, smoke, take certain pills, beat your stomach with a crowbar, fall down the stairs ect...
if there ur size, they souldnt
during pregnancy-no during labor yes
No, there is no ovulation or menstruation during pregnancy.
no you souldnt if you do they will be dead by the oxygen
This drug is safe during pregnancy.
During pregnancy, the period stops.
Increased sneezing during pregnancy is very common. Mucus increases during pregnancy, not just in your cervix!
You can buy it back or hack but you souldnt do that
Yes, you ccan have Tang during pregnancy.
it is harmful during pregnancy
Yes, you can get your hair cut during pregnancy.
No, not every woman leaks colostrum during pregnancy. Some women do, some do not. It is different with each pregnancy as well. A woman might leak during her first pregnancy and not her second or she might leak during every pregnancy or never during any pregnancy. Either way is NORMAL.