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It always Depends on How big The project is and how detailed you want it to be... for a regular size, Basically You Can play around 1rl to 3rl then Shade With 5Fs and 5Ms...

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Q: What size tattoo needle for a portrait?
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What size tattoo needle do you use for taibal tattoo?

You use size B.use a 7 to 9 mag

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a 7

How much would a portrait tattoo cost?

Depends on size and color amount... Simple nothing cheap about portait tattoo...

What size tattoo needle do you use for a large back tattoo?

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What is the best size tattoo needle to use for coloring and outlining?

That would all depend on the size and the intricacy of what you are doing.

How do you identify the correct tip for the needle when doing a tattoo?

The size of the needle and the size of the tip should match unless you are using bugpin needles, in which case the tip should be two sizes smaller than the needle.

What size needles do what for a tattoo machine?

The needle size does absolutely nothing for a tattoo machine. A needle to a machine is like a brush to the hand. Different tools for different needs. If you want mor information, get an apprenticeship under a skilled tattooist and they can give you more in depth information.

Tattoo needle stick out of the gun?

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How do you make a real tattoo?

you can do it a needle or a tattoo

What are size 3 round liner tattoo needles for?

They are for fine lines and detail that's in the tattoo you can also use this needle to do awhole tattoo for lines and shading without changing needles

Where to the needle fix in tattoo gun?

Tattoo guns are not firearms.

Can you make a tattoo needle out of a lighter spring?

Yes yes you can ok?go and buld you a tattoo gun and needle like i did