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They are for fine lines and detail that's in the tattoo you can also use this needle to do awhole tattoo for lines and shading without changing needles

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Q: What are size 3 round liner tattoo needles for?
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What are size 3 round liner tattoo need?

Do u mean what is a 3 round liner tattoo needle used for? The 3 represents how many needles total, and round means they are arranged in a circle as opposed to lined up beside one another, liner means it is used for making lines. A 3RL is most commonly used for tattooing very fine lines in small or very detailed tattoos or lettering.

What are size 5 round liner tattoo needles for?

You just said it yourself: Lining. Five rounds are used to create a finer, more delicate line though, but it also depends on how heavy handed you are. If you're heavy handed, then your five round lines could look like seven round lines.

What size needles for outlining tattoos?

Liners are grouped in a circular pattern which gives them their nickname, rounds. Used mostly for outlining tattoos, liners come in as small as a single needles and can generally reach up to an 18 round. Single needles are rarely used by most tattoo artists, except occasionally for very fine line work. The most common groupings for liner needles include 3, 4, 5 and 7, but you can also find needles grouped in 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15 and 18, and some suppliers even offer a 19 and 20. Some suppliers offer tattoo needles in assorted sizes which are commonly used in tattooing, just save your time by folllowing that.

Is only one needle in a tattoo machine enough?

chances are your outline is done by a 5 or 7 liner (5 or 7 needles grouped tightly together) and your shading/color fill is done with a 7 mag or 14 mag depending on size of tattoo

Which round liner are often used for lining a tattoo?

In almost all instances, one uses a 3RL, or perhaps a 7RL. All depends on the artist and the size of the piece.

What size needles do what for a tattoo machine?

The needle size does absolutely nothing for a tattoo machine. A needle to a machine is like a brush to the hand. Different tools for different needs. If you want mor information, get an apprenticeship under a skilled tattooist and they can give you more in depth information.

What do they use in making a linning before the tattoo is done?

to do the outline on a tattoo you need a needle called a liner for instance you could use a 14 round liner. now for shading you need a shader which is another kind of needle now you can use a 14 round shader or a 14 flat mag shader that answer your question and an p.s you can get a needle any size they can go as small as 1 all the way up to a 49 flat and so on

How much does a tattoo cost?

It just depends on what you are getting and the size of it.It entirely depends on what tattoo you want to get and where you get it, so theres no real exact price.It depends on the size. Most tattoo shops charge a min. of $50 to cover cost of needles and ink.

What size tattoo needle do you use for a large back tattoo?

7 or 9 magnum or a 14 round for heavy filling such as tribal .......

What size tattoo needle should i be using?

If your doing a full color tattoo, meaning just one shade i usually use a round shader, if you want to do transaction from light to dark i use a flat mag. Sizes all depends on what your comfortable with, for a large piece or tribal i use a 25rmag and a 5rs for tighter space. for the tip i use the same liner to fill in. but just try and see what works best for you. This is my advice I have 6 years of experience currently working as a tattoo artist. Some artist will agree or disagree with my advice.

Which needles are the best for tattoo shading?

depending on the size i would just use a 7RS big the shading area the larger i would use the 9RS or Flat Shader

How do you identify the correct tip for the needle when doing a tattoo?

The size of the needle and the size of the tip should match unless you are using bugpin needles, in which case the tip should be two sizes smaller than the needle.