a 7
That would all depend on the size and the intricacy of what you are doing.
7 or 9 magnum or a 14 round for heavy filling such as tribal .......
They are for fine lines and detail that's in the tattoo you can also use this needle to do awhole tattoo for lines and shading without changing needles
ya, most likely, they use a needle
like the others
Any sewing needle will do. you can also use guitar strings and sand the with sandpaper to make them work.
That all depends on the size of the tattoo that you are doing, and what you are trying to accomplish whether it be soft shading, coloring, etc. If you are using disposable tube and needle combos, which you should, then the appropriate sized tip will be included with the needle. However, since you must ask I will take it that you are new to the game, so practice on your own legs before you ever tattoo another person and be safe. Best of luck.
to do the outline on a tattoo you need a needle called a liner for instance you could use a 14 round liner. now for shading you need a shader which is another kind of needle now you can use a 14 round shader or a 14 flat mag shader that answer your question and an p.s you can get a needle any size they can go as small as 1 all the way up to a 49 flat and so on
For the most common size that you would be doing it in. Line it with a 3RL, and then do your edges with 5RS. Then do the middle fill with a 15RS. The bigger the letters, the bigger the shade needle size and in some instances, the liner as well.
Yes you can, just use a needle or guitar string just make the same action with the needle as a regular tattoo gun would (up and down)
The application of a tattoo requires a needle to be inserted into the skin. This needle use has the potential to spread bloodborne pathogens like HIV or hepatitis if the person giving the tattoo has not used appropriate infection control procedures.