that all depends on the person. but if you want to take it without damaging to many brain cells i recommend no more than a gram or 2 a day but that's if u want to keep brain cells. if u don't care u can do close to an ounce if u smoke a lot
I'm not sure there really is an average amount. Some people smoke only on special occasions, a few times a year. Some people smoke every few weeks. Some people smoke only on weekends. Some people take one or two hits each day. Some people smoke one bowl (one pipeful) or one joint each day. Some people smoke 2 bowls or joints a day. Or 4 bowls/joints a day. Or even more.
The quantity consumed does not define alcoholism.
A limit of 2,000.
Protein and water!
A lot
They should get fed just enough that can be consumed in a few minutes, as to not overstuff them. This should be done 2 times a day.
Just enough to be consumed in a few minutes. Do this twice a day.
They provide energy to people.
The Recommended Daily Allowance for a particular nutrient is the quantity recommended to be consumed per day.
No... The recommended amount of calories consumed each day should be around 2,000.
You could eat chips as a snack, but not every minute of the day that might be too much calories
A male should drink about three liters of water per day. A woman should have 2.2 liters per day. This is an adequate quantity of water to stay hydrated.
Eighty-four million barrels of oil are consumed in the world each day as of 2005, a quarter of which is consumed by the U.S.