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right behind your ear or near your navel.

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Q: What places on your body does tattoos hurt the most?
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Where do tattoos hurt most?

On the genitals.

Do Most Tattoos Hurt?

Tattoos in general will hurt due to the nature of the process, but the severity of the pain depends on the individual's tolerance for pain and where the tattoo is being applied as some parts of the body are more sensitive than others.

Do tricep tattoos hurt?

most tattoos hurt but there all pretty equal go and try it I'm sure it'll be fine.

Most tattoos on a body?


What part of the body is the most common place for name tattoos?

The location for a name tattoo depends entirely on the person's preference. Some common places for name tattoos are the thighs, wrists, ankles, and shoulders.

Where can one get piercings in Aurora IL?

Most body art and tattoo parlors in Aurora offer piercings in addition. Inkspot Tattoos, Skin Gallery, and Rising Phoenix Tattoos are just some of many places in Aurora who perform body piercings.

Do upper back tattoos hurt?

It really depends on the size of the tattoo, how much black is used, and the person's level of tolerance for pain. Most people will complain of pain when the tattooist goes over the spinal area because it is sensitive. If there is a lot of black involved it could be very painful.

Where does it hurt the least to get a tatoo?

Tattoos hurt more on bony parts and places with sensitive skin like the back of your arm. Any fatty place like the buttocks would hurt less.

Does it hurt when you get a tattoo?

no it doesnt hurt in some places, but other places like under your arm and your neck hurts., i have had 10 tattoos, im a girl, and i got it done by kat von d !, plus when they talk to you it makes it not hurt soo much.

Did Hitler have tattoos?

Most likely not, none were found on his body after he comitted suicide

How man tattoos does lil wayne have? covers most his

What are blind spots?

places where you are most vulnerable to a disease or to getting hurt