The most effective way to reduce flow would be to use Tranexamic Acid, this can be obtained from your doctor or some pharmacies. Tranexamic Acid is taken three times per day for the first three days of your period and can reduce your flow by up to 50%.
Birth control pills will help regulate the menstrual cycle.
when you too stressed you can skip your periods
Yes, they can do
Yes. Once you start taking the sugar pills (the last week of the pack), your regular period should start in the first few days. It may continue through when you start taking active pills again, however, especially if you normally have heavy or long periods. Once on the pill for a few months, your periods should lighten, and you should only have bleeding when you take the sugar pills. Everyone's different. Also, if you don't get your period by the time you start taking active pills again, you may be pregnant, and you should see your doctor.
Yes for a week or more.
Around 8 - 80 and then you stop
Any pill with active pills taken for more than three weeks will reduce the number of periods. Some pills are packaged for this purpose (e.g. Seasonale, Seasonique), but any monophasic pill can be used in this way.
Women can take the birth control pills continuously without a break to skip the periods.
Periods can be irregular for no apparent reason sometimes. I'm thinking that it's pretty normal. Most of the women I know have periods that are longer or shorter from time to time. If you continue to have an issue, maybe you should think about birth control pills. Pills can lighten your periods, make them shorter, and they will make your periods regular. My period went from 7 days to 3 days Good luck k. And by the way, props on being a virgin. Once it's gone you can't get it back!!
The estrogen replacement therapy is one of the ways that is recommeneded by doctors to control overly heavy periods. This treatement is most commonly done through the use of birth control pills.
No. If you get periods, you can get pregnant.
The Pills Won't Help You Now was created in 2007.