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The estrogen replacement therapy is one of the ways that is recommeneded by doctors to control overly heavy periods. This treatement is most commonly done through the use of Birth Control pills.

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Q: Does estrogen replacement therapy help with controlling heavy menstrual periods?
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The term is used to designate the transition phase between regular menstrual periods and no periods at all?

Peri-menopause is the term used before menstrual periods end. The transition between peri-menopause and pre menopause when estrogen begins stopping the menstrual periods.

Does biotin effect your menstrual cycle?

Although there is no estrogen in biotin there have been numerous reports on lighter, shorter periods

What animals have periods?

Humans and chimpanzees are the only animals that have "periods" or menstrual cycles. Other animals of the animal kingdom undergo Estrus, or heat periods (spikes in Estrogen output) during their Estrous cycle.

Can passing hard stools cause a period?

At the time of a woman's menstrual periods, estrogen and progesterone levels are high and may cause constipation. High levels of estrogen and progesterone during pregnancy also can cause constipation.

Why do women use the pill?

The Pill is used to prevent an unplanned pregnancy. It is also used for other purposes, such as controlling menstrual bleeding or pain, changing the hormonal balance prior to use of fertility medications, and lowering the risk of osteoporosis for women with absent periods due to low estrogen, such as may happen in women with eating disorders.

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Where do you get your periods?

I'm guessing that you mean menstrual periods so, Your vagina?

What day in the mentrual cycle does estrogen occur?

Estrogen is a naturally occurring hormone that is present in your body throughout your entire cycle (assuming that you have one or both of your ovaries). Both men and women have small amounts of estrogen in their bodies from other organs, but the significant source of estrogen is from the ovaries, which only woman have. It is always present during the menstrual cycle, but fluctuates during the month. During your cycle, you will produce greater and lesser amounts of estrogen and the amount and time varies from woman to woman. There is no single day in which your body produces estrogen, it is produced at all times and is necessary for good health. Natural menopause occurs at a later age as your ovaries produce less and less estrogen. Women in menopause experience many symptoms as a result of the drop in estrogen (and progesterone, another vital hormone) including, mood swings, hot flashes and night sweats. Estrogen replacement therapy is popular, especially if the drop in estrogen levels is sudden and severe. The body adjusts to lower levels of estrogen over time as the aging process takes place and the body no longer prepares itself to bear children. After menopause, the ovaries produce very little estrogen, no eggs and menstrual periods cease altogether.

How do Birth control pills affect a woman's menstrual periods?

A woman's menstrual periods are regular and usually lighter when she is taking oral contraceptives

Do reptiles have menstrual cycles or periods?

No, reptiles do not have menstrual cycles or periods like mammals do. Instead, they have reproductive cycles that are different from those of mammals.

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When do periods occur?

during the menstrual cycle