Although there is no estrogen in biotin there have been numerous reports on lighter, shorter periods
They do not affect the menstrual cycle itself, however, they WILL affect your birth control (decreasing the effectiveness), which CAN effect your menstrual cycle. You can get pregnant or have changes in your menstrual cycle as if you had missed a week or so on your pills.
No, you cannot accelerate your menstrual cycle. Your menstrual cycle is a natural process, a domino effect of hormonal changes that take you through the different phases of your menstrual cycle, you cannot speed-up this process or skip phases of your cycles.
The temperature on the moons of Jupiter have very little effect on the female menstrual cycle.
In every way in the book!
No, Zyban has no effect on the menstrual cycle. Note: if attempting to quit smoking try Easyway, far more effective.
No, when you start your period is determined by your menstrual cycle - cinnamon does not and cannot effect your menstrual cycle. Your period comes when it is due.
When the thyroid is hyperactive, the imbalance affects the menstrual cycle. The cycle becomes irregular and menstrual flow & duration decreases.
You can't make your menstrual cycle start earlier than it is supposed to start. Menstrual cycles are controlled by a domino effect of hormonal changes, you can't speed-up or skip phases of your cycle.
Irregular menstrual periods can also result, and interest in sex may diminish.