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100-1000 USD or more depending on specifics

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Q: What is value of Remington model 6?
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The value of a Remington model 6 serial number 471463?

These where manufactured from 1981-1987. If in 90% condition then about $300.

What is the value of a Remington model BL?

50.00 to 125.00

What is the value of a 16 gauge Browning Model 11 serial 155160 in excellent condition?

Browning did not make the Model 11, Remington did. If you have a Remington Model 11 in 16ga, value is between $150-$450.

What is the value of Remington model 2?

50-250 USD

What is the value for a Remington 22 long rifle model 19?

I don't believe there ia a model 19, a semi-auto? Possibly a 16? Is it a semi-auto 6 shot?

What is the value of a mint 30 Remington that was made in 1911?

Mint 30 Remington what? Rifle? Model? Variation? (carbine?)

What is the value of a Remington model 31sn 50347?

100-400 USD

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How rare is a Remington model 6 stamped model 4?

It is unusual vs. rare

What is the value of a Remington woodmaster 30 06 model 243?

There is no model number 3006 or 243 in the Woodmaster line. Check Remington's webiste under the Sportsman's Library.

Value Remington model 8 condition fair?

Standard grade: $175

What is the Value of Remington model 1100 annaversary?

Gurl, I don't know! Google it!