priceless, my first rifle/rimfire iwas 11 yrs old i am 49 now and its lefthanded. still shoots like a dream. takes tacks out at 35 yrds. dad an use to compete against each other.
remington 725 caliber 222 bolt action excellant condition
100-300 or so
Model 14 - Condition?
100-750 USD
100-400 USD depending on condition.
No such model number in the Remington line
What is the value of a Remington 700 bolt action 270ml rifle?
A 1950's model 33 bolt action Remington 22 rifle is worth roughly $275. However, this can vary greatly depending on who purchases it, and what kind of condition it is in.
No such model listed on their website.
i seached the net, seens i have a model 12 Remington .22 and it seems to be going for about 300+ American
The Remington Model 760 was not chambered in .284 Winchester, so I am unsure what caliber you are referring to.