There is no way of giving you a value,without you providing a much more detailed description of your model 760 pump action rifle,s overall condition to include the amount of original finish remaining on the wood and metal,the bore,s condition and what cartridge it is chambered for.
what is a Remington 760 300 savage worth it is a gamemaster
100-435 USD or so
how much is my remington 760 gamemaster 300 savage worth
100-450 USD
your Remington 760 is going for between 200-350 dollars,at this time.
what is the value of a 760 Remington gamemaster 30/06 with a maverick 3-9 scope. How old is this rifle?
i think it rare but not sure but could be $1500 top
100-500 USD
the value is anywhere from $500 to $700. i own one and i wouldn't trade it for anything
You could check out to see what they are selling for. A recent copy of Gun Values will give you the present book value.
Value is dependent on condition, 100% new $450-500, 50% $200.