Need more info / what is the serial number
Whatever someone will pay for it.
Between 300-550 dollars depending on barrel type and overall condition of the shotgun.
If we are talking about a browning auto-5 shotgun?Then the value is running between 350-550 dollars,depending on overall condition of your shotgun and the barrel type(plain,solid matte rib,or vent rib barrel).
If in "new in Box" condition it will bring $1300-1500
I would need a more detailed description of your Browning shotgun including the model name or number,the overall condition of your shotgun,and the bore condition,along with the serial number(to date the manufacturing date) to give you the answer that you seek.
Between 425-1,025 dollars,depending on the overall condition of your shotgun and what type of barrel is with the gun.The vent rib barrel will bring the highest prices.
You need a trained Browning gunsmith
Your Browning light weight auto-5 shotgun,which was made in the year 1963 will bring between 250-550 dollars,depending on the type of barrel that is with the shotgun,and the overall condition of the shotgun in question.
Between 275-500 dollars depending on the barrel type your shotgun has and the overall condition of the shotgun in question.
50-575 usd
NO! The 1187 barrel was for remington shotguns,the auto-5 shotgun is a browning shotgun.