If we are talking about a browning auto-5 shotgun?Then the value is running between 350-550 dollars,depending on overall condition of your shotgun and the barrel type(plain,solid matte rib,or vent rib barrel).
No such thing as a 22 Shotgun.
A Browning A-500g shotgun in excellent condition is worth about 900 dollars.
I would need to know what model of Browning shotgun you are asking about in order to answer your question.
10-1000 USD depending on specifics.
100-700 usd
75-550 usd
Depending on condition,your browning auto-5 shotgun is valued at between 425-725 dollars.
The Browning web site has sn data.
What model of browning shotgun are we talking about? I would need to know this in order to help you answer this question.
100-1000 usd
50-500 usd
50-500 uSD