Between 300-550 dollars depending on barrel type and overall condition of the shotgun.
050-1000 usd
12 gauge Belgian Browning shotgun, serial #296305
Your 1952 produced browning 16ga. auto-5 shotgun is going for between 250 dollars and 550 dollars depending on the amount of original finish left on the shotgun and wood finish left.
Say 100-600 USD or so.Your serial number indicates that your Browning auto-5 shotgun in 16 gauge was made in the year 1952.
This gun was made in 1952.
Your serial number indicates that you have a Browning auto-5 16 gauge shotgun that was made in the year 1952.
$300-500 depending on finish / condition (speaking shooter condition) Auto5man
Your serial number indicates that your Browning auto-5 shotgun was made in the year 1952.
Between 275-500 dollars depending on the barrel type your shotgun has and the overall condition of the shotgun in question.
500 USD or so
It was made bvetween 1952 and 1976. Does that answer ur question?
Your serial number indicates that your Browning standard weight auto-5 shotgun was made in the year 1952.