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I'm not sure of the value but the 800A should be a Mossberg Model. Experience tells me the value will be a tad less than Winchester M70 and Rem 700 in the same version of the gun--(like in) Walnut stock or Symthetic version.

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Q: What is the value of a 308 cal rifle Model 800A?
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Your rifle is a Mossberg 800A. Some parts may be available from Mossberg, some are available for gunpartscorp thru their website, and some may be available thru havlinsales at their website. Good luck!

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The numbers .308 are the caliber of your rifle,not the model number.Please include the model number and serial number to get the age of your Winchester rifle.

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In order to give you a more accurate value on your winchester model 88,I would need to know the caliber of the rifle,and what condition your rifle is in?

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There is no way of knowing without you providing the Model of Browning rifle that you own,its caliber,and a good description of your rifles overall condition.

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1,000 in mint condition. They are a rare rifle. Less than 5% of 760 BDL's were left handed.