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Really? It's kind of self explanatory isn't it?

So you can have sex without the unnecessary trifle of child bearing.

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Q: What is the purpose of birth control pills?
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Related questions

What are the sugar pills for in the birth control pill pack?

The sugar pills are just placebo pills, meaning that they have no intended purpose other than to act as place holders. Because birth control pills are to be taken every day, some women need the placebo pills to keep the routine going. They offer no other purpose.

Are you allergic to birth control pills?

I am not allergic to birth control pills.

What are the signs if wife is taking birth control pills?

Packet of birth control pills on the kitchen counter, receipts from the pharmacy for birth control pills, or your wife asking, "Have you seen my birth control pills?"

Are birth control pills for your period to?

Hormonal birth control methods, including the pill, can decrease the amount of bleeding and cramping with periods. Some women use them for this purpose and not for birth control.

Are synthetic birth control pills a narcotic?

No, birth control pills are not narcotics.

Are there generics for birth control pills?

many birth control pills have generic equivalents.

Can i post birth control pills by USPS?

It is legal to mail birth control pills.

How do you know which pills to skip to get pregnant?

All of them! If you are trying to get pregnant you do not want to take birth control pills. Their whole purpose is to prevent pregnancy.

Is the days in birth control pills interchangeable?

The days in birth control pills are not interchangeable.

Birth control's affect on teens that just began puberty and are taking pills?

You should not mix pills with your birth control pills. This candamage your insides or cause your birth control to be ineffective. Mixing pills is dangerous.

Do you stop your birth control pills if your pregnant?

Yes, if you're pregnant, there is no need for birth control pills.

Are birth control pills a legend drug?

Yes, birth control pills require a prescription in the US.