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9mo ago

Time is the only factor that can remove alcohol from your bloodstream, as your body metabolizes and eliminates the alcohol at a consistent rate. Drinking water, exercising, or eating certain foods may help you feel better, but they do not significantly speed up the alcohol elimination process.

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Q: What is the one factor that can remove alcohol from your bloodstream?
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Why does a person smell of alcohol?

When a person smells of alcohol, it is usually due to the presence of ethanol in their bloodstream. Ethanol is the type of alcohol found in alcoholic drinks, and it can be detected on a person's breath as it is exhaled through the lungs. Alcohol can also be excreted through sweat, contributing to the odor.

How long does it take for alcohol to completely the bloodstream after consumption?

The liver can metabolize roughly one standard drink per hour, so it can take several hours for alcohol to completely leave the bloodstream. Factors like weight, metabolism, and the amount of alcohol consumed can affect how long it takes for alcohol to be fully eliminated.

Can alcohol from paint show on breath alcohol count?

Yes, alcohol from paint can potentially show up on a breathalyzer test. This is due to the presence of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in paint, which can be absorbed into the bloodstream and eventually exhaled. However, the amount of alcohol absorbed from paint is typically very low, and would likely not result in a high breath alcohol count.

What makes an alcohol analyzer able to read the amount of alcohol in your bloodstream?

Alcohol analyzers typically measure alcohol in the blood through breath samples taken from the individual. Ethanol molecules in the breath are absorbed into a sensor, where a chemical reaction produces an electrical current. The amount of current generated is then used to calculate the blood alcohol concentration.

How can one remove permanent marker from jeans?

One way to remove permanent marker from jeans is to dab the stain with rubbing alcohol or nail polish remover using a cloth or cotton ball. Blot the stain until it fades, then wash the jeans in cold water. Repeat the process if necessary.

Related questions

Most of the alcohol from one drink will be absorbed into the bloodstream within?

Within one hour, unless you have your period.

Can a blood alcohol test detect one shot?

Yes, but not right away, it takes time for you body to absorb the alcohol into your bloodstream.

Name one important factor related to alcohol?

you can dead for alcohol

Does amount of food and water help with the amount of alcohol one drinks?

Consuming food and non-alcoholic beverages such as water reduce the rate of alcohol absorption into the bloodstream.

How can you make alcohol leave the body quickly?

Alcohol leaves the body at the rate of 1/3 to 1/2 ounce of pure alcohol per hour (about 1 beer, one class of wine, or one shot) no matter what you do. The only way to get rid of it is time.Alcohol metabolites such as ETG, now the subject of some screening tests, can remain in your body for several days.

Is there an alcohol drink that is not detectable on one's breath?

The way alcohol is detectable on breath is because air in the lungs is absorbing alcohol from the bloodstream, therefore there is no way to beat a breathalyzer. If you mean is there alcohol that cannot be "smelled" then yes because there are flavored drinks that you wouldn't be able to smell the alcohol.

Alcohol builds up in the bloodstream after a person consumes more than how many drinks per hour?

Most people metabolize the alcohol found in one drink consumed per hour.

How many drinks per hour does alcohol start to build up in the bloodstream?

On average, anything over about one drink per hour.

Is Height Influences the Blood Alcohol content?

Height is one factor that can influence the BAC resulting from consuming a set amount of alcohol.

What one factor caused more fatal crashes than anything else?


Why does a person smell of alcohol?

When a person smells of alcohol, it is usually due to the presence of ethanol in their bloodstream. Ethanol is the type of alcohol found in alcoholic drinks, and it can be detected on a person's breath as it is exhaled through the lungs. Alcohol can also be excreted through sweat, contributing to the odor.

What would the alcohol level in your blood be after four beers and two shots of vodka be in a one hundred ten pound girl be?

.02 for each drink, beer, liquor or wine. so it would be a .1, weight onlydetermines how quickly the alcohol gets into your bloodstream. .02 for each drink, beer, liquor or wine. so it would be a .1, weight onlydetermines how quickly the alcohol gets into your bloodstream.