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Q: What one factor caused more fatal crashes than anything else?
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Is speeding a factor in 30 of all fatal crashes in the US?

Yes. Speeding is the second leading cause of all fatal crashes.

Speeding is involved in what percentage of fatal traffic crashes?

Speeding is involved in approximately 25% of fatal traffic crashes in the United States. It is a leading factor in many accidents and can significantly increase the severity of crashes.

Speeding is a contributing factor in what percent of all fatal crashes?

About 30%

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Does driving in the rain cause death or injury?

Yes. "Based on numbers for 2008 reported by the NHTSA, 2,442 fatal car crashes resulted from rainy conditions", compared to 838 fatal crashes caused by snow or sleet.

Falling asleep at the wheel is fatal in percentage of crashes?

Falling asleep at the wheel is estimated to be a factor in around 21% of fatal crashes in the United States. It is a serious issue that can result in loss of life and should be avoided by ensuring drivers are well-rested before getting behind the wheel.

Approximately what percentage of all fatal motor vehicle crashes are caused by a driver under the influence of alcohol?

50 percent

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Is one of the top three factors associated with fatal crashes..?

Is one of the top three factors associated with fatal crashes?

Are most bicycle crashes fatal?

About 75% of bicycle crashes are fatal. The 15% just have minor injuries. And the other 10% have major injuries.

What percent of all fatal crashes occur because of aggressive driving?

what percent of fatal crashes result from aggressive driving

What percentage of crashes involve speed?

Speed is a contributing factor in about 27% of all fatal motor vehicle crashes in the United States. However, the exact percentage may vary depending on the region or country.