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Alcohol is cleared from the system by the liver at the rate of approximately 1/3 ounce (9.3 grams) of pure alcohol per hour.

To calculate the time, take the number of ounces of pure alcohol and multiply by three. This does not take into account the fact that the drinks are not all consumed at the same time, so add some time to account for that.

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Q: How long does it take for alcohol to completely the bloodstream after consumption?
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Once in the bloodstream how long does alcohol take to reach the brain?

A few minutes

How long does alcohol stay in your bloodstreem?

Alcohol leaves the bloodstream at a rate of about .015 to .020 of BAC per hour.

What are the effects on kidneys after long term alcohol consumption?

Long term alcohol consumption appears to have very little effect on kidney function. Correlations between alcohol abuse and kidney cancer have been suggested, but not proven. Research indicates that regular alcohol consumption lowers the risk of kidney stones.

How long can alcohol consumption be detected by a blood test?

Every hour

What can alcohol do long term?

Consumption in moderation can improve health and increase longevity. Abusing alcohol can have the opposite effect.

Which is not a common long-term effect of excessive alcohol consumption?

Oral Cancer.

How long does alcohol take to enter your body and have a result on a breathalyser test?

Alcohol effects a breathalyzer test immediately after consumption.

What are the long term effects of regular alcohol use?

Regular alcohol consumption in moderation is associated with better health and longer life than abstaining.

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How does alcoho affect the body?

if you mean alcohol then once you drink it it goes into your bloodstream and can also have long term damage.. such as live failure

Why are Adolescents at a greater risk of experiencing long-term consequences from drinking?

The human brain continues to develop until a person is in their twenties. Therefore, adolescent alcohol consumption can have a profound effect on mental development. In addition, there is a risk of accidental death or injury due to alcohol to consumption to body mass index. Patterns of behaviors from early alcohol consumption include poor school performance, bad personal relationships and long term addiction.

Why are adolescents at a greater risks of experiencing long-term consequences from drinking?

The human brain continues to develop until a person is in their twenties. Therefore, adolescent alcohol consumption can have a profound effect on mental development. In addition, there is a risk of accidental death or injury due to alcohol to consumption to body mass index. Patterns of behaviors from early alcohol consumption include poor school performance, bad personal relationships and long term addiction.