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Effects can begin within several minutes.

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Q: How long does it take for alcohol to reach the brain and begin its effect?
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Once in the bloodstream how long does alcohol take to reach the brain?

A few minutes

How long does it take alcohol to reach your brain?

It only takes a few seconds for a chemical to reach the brain once it reaches the lungs but the timing of the effect of the chemical is variable, depending on circulation time, diffusability, concentration, fat solubility, metabolism, mechanism of action, etc.. For all practical purposes, most chemicals reach the brain in adequate amounts within 10 seconds.

When it takes more alcohol to reach the same effect one had with less alcohol it is said that one has developed tolerance?


How many minutes does it take for alcohol to hit the brain?

From a purely physiological standpoint the blood carries alcohol to the brain within one minute of it reaching the bloodstream. The length of time it takes to reach the bloodstream depends on how much food you have eaten, as well as the type (starchy food tends to absorb some alcohol which slows it from reaching the small intestine where absorption takes place). In addition, the enzymes present in your liver will metabolise the alcohol, so in very small quantities it may never reach your brain at all. As a general rule, if one is drinking on an empty stomach the alcohol will start to have an effect within 10 minutes, whereas if one is drinking on a full stomach the effects will not be noticed for longer.

How does a message from the brain reach the brain?

by the medulla oblongata

How do pain messages reach the brain?

pain reach our brain by the nerves i think so .

How does equilibrium information reach the brain?

The information of the equilibrium reach your brain via vestibulocochlear nerve. It is the eighth cranial nerve.

How fast do messages get to your brain?

It takes about 132 nanoseconds to reach your brain.

Why drugs addictive?

Drugs are addictive because they either mimic or stimulate the production of brain chemicals that cause feelings of pleasure. After a period of time, your brain adjusts to the higher levels of the chemicals, and it becomes necessary to use more drugs to get the same effect. Eventually, you reach a point where -- due to the changes in the brain -- you need to use the drug to maintain something like normal functioning. At that point, having become dependent on the drugs to function, you experience severe withdrawal symptoms without drugs. These symptoms usually are the opposite of whatever effect the drugs had, and in some cases -- especially tranquilizers and alcohol -- they can be life-threatening.

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carbon dioxide. when CO2 levels reach a certain saturation point the brain is stimulated to take a breath.Type your answer here...

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Why brain important to your body?

Because without brain body unable to reach on right place............................