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The brain contains more blood

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Q: Why alcohol is quick find it's way to the brain because?
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Why is alcohol so quick to find its way to the brain?

It gets into the brain quickly because the brain gets a rich blood supply and because alcohol is able to diffuse across the blood-brian barrier easily due to being not strongly polar.

Why doesn't iTunes have dj quick?

You will not find DJ Quick on iTunes because there is no DJ Quick. Try searching for DJ Quik and you will find what you seek.

Where can you find a brain?

You would find a brain in your skull but do not try to get it because you will kill yourself without skills of a surgeon. Apparently, your brain is NOT in your skull or anywhere in your body if you have to ask where your brain is located.

Do Muslims allow the drinking of alcohol?

Muslim's DO NOT drink alcohol as we find it forbidign to drink because it make us do the wrong!

Why do businesses create websites?

Because it's a quick and easy way for potential customers to find them, find out about them, and is a chance for them to advertise. Also, it provides quick contact for customers, employees and others.

Can a neurosurgeon diagnose multiple sclerosis?

Yes, because it can find lesions on the brain.

Why is alcohol considered a depressant?

Alcohol is considered a depressant because it slows down brain functions and the reflexes. This blocks the signals trying to get to the brain, impairing some judgment, movement, perceptions, and more.

How did they know mummies had a brain?

they knew that mummies had brains because in the carcus the scientist would find brain mater and or the part of the spinal cord that connects t the brain.

Why is life expectancy a good development indicator?

because it is a quick and easy way to find out how developed a country is.

Where do you find a Brain in Poptropica?

there is no brain

What are some examples of alcohol abuse?

You mean some examples of affects of alcohol abuse: When you drink too much alcohol, it goes to your brain and does some weird, crazy thing with the senses and the cells. Like when you see a drunk person, they're falling because their vision might be blurry, or they're dizzy, and so on. Also, it makes some people very violent. They will come home and possibly hurt their family all because some substance is triggering their brain senses to do so. Another thing it does, is it can make you completely black out so you don't remember ANYTHING that happened during the entire time you were drunk. There are even more, but you can go on and type in alcohol abuse affects, and find more information.

Alcohol kills how many brain cells?

One drink of alchohol, will not automatically start killing your brain cells. Months & Years of alchohol abuse will eventually start killing brain cells. The numbers are never 'acurate' to a specific point. But drinking excesive alchohol does kill brain cells. According to the state of Florida Drivers Course the answer is 10,000 cells.