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The monthly limit represents the cumulative dollar limit for your purchases in one month. It may be set to any dollar amount equal to or greater than the single purchase limit. Verify both of your limits with your AO or A/OPC.

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Q: What is the monthly purchase limit with a government purchase card?
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Seek approval for an increase in his/her monthly limit from his/her Agency/Organization Program Coordinator (A/OPC)

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It will depend on how much your credit limit is. For example, if your credit card limit is $500, a two percent purchase on your credit card would be $10.00

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Supervisors must make regular reviews of existing cardholders and their monthly spending limits to help ensure that monthly spending limits are appropriate for the expected purchasing activity

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A single purchase limit is?

The maximum amount of money that can be charged to the purchase card for a single transaction.

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Will my card details be saved to RuneScape?

If you Purchase a monthly subscription, yes. Since when you do that you are allowing them to take the fee monthly, But this can also be canceled.

When you make an over-the-counter purchase with your Government Purchase Card except?

Always have the Government hand receipt