The maximum amount of money that can be charged to the purchase card for a single transaction.
How can you monitor and manage every time a user changes an account's single purchase limit to be greater than your organization's policy of a $5,000 single purchase limit
How can you monitor and manage every time a user changes an account's single purchase limit to be greater than your organization's policy of a $5,000 single purchase limit
How can you monitor and manage every time a user changes an account's single purchase limit to be greater than your organization's policy of a $5,000 single purchase limit
How can you monitor and manage every time a user changes an account's single purchase limit to be greater than your organization's policy of a $5,000 single purchase limit
How can you monitor and manage every time a user changes an account's single purchase limit to be greater than your organization's policy of a $5,000 single purchase limit
How can you monitor and manage every time a user changes an account's single purchase limit to be greater than your organization's policy of a $5,000 single purchase limit
How can you monitor and manage every time a user changes an account's single purchase limit to be greater than your organization's policy of a $5,000 single purchase limit
How can you monitor and manage every time a user changes an account's single purchase limit to be greater than your organization's policy of a $5,000 single purchase limit
How can you monitor and manage every time a user changes an account's single purchase limit to be greater than your organization's policy of a $5,000 single purchase limit
The monthly limit represents the cumulative dollar limit for your purchases in one month. It may be set to any dollar amount equal to or greater than the single purchase limit. Verify both of your limits with your AO or A/OPC.
The Approving Officer (AO) or Agency/Organization Program Coordinator (A/OPC)