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Always have the Government hand receipt

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Q: When you make an over-the-counter purchase with your Government Purchase Card except?
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What 529 plans are sponsored by all of the following except?

The federal Government Apex

What are some of the business challenges facing Amazon?

Amazon, being an online only retailer, faces the challenge of getting people to purchase products that most people traditionally purchase in brick and motor type stores. For example, if you were a consumer looking to purchase a digital camera or other type of electronic. Unless you know specifically what type of camera you want you are probably going to go to a best buy or other electronics store to mess around with a few different cameras to see what features each has, how they work, and so forth... Amazon doesnt allow for this since they are online. So the problem is that many times these types of items are not purchased through their website. What they are doing to try to fix this is a new "club" where you pay $79 a year for unlimited 2days shipping on as many items as you purchase. So if you buy 500 things the shipping is free (except for the $79 a year) Amazon hopes that this will get people to purchase more products because they dont have to worry about the cost of shipping. If they dont like it they can then return it or if they do end up liking it then everything worked out for amazon.

Who has no voice in how a corporation is run?

Shareholders, the government, anyone in the world except the top executives of the corporation.

Buy-Sell Agreement?

Get StartedThe Buy-Sell Agreement is an agreement among business owners. It has several primary purposes. First, owners of a small business often wish to limit who can become a new co-owner. For example, they may not want spouses or children of their fellow co-owners to become owners. Without a buy-sell agreement, this type of transfer could occur if a co-owner dies or gets divorced. Thus, the Buy-Sell Agreement includes a general prohibition on the sale or transfer of ownership interests, except under the specific circumstances specified in the agreement.Second, owners of a small business may wish to "create a market" for the sale or transfer of their ownership interests. In the absence of a buy-sell agreement, owners may find that they have very few opportunities to sell out if there are important reasons why they might wish to sell, such as death or retirement. Therefore, the Buy-Sell Agreement provides a mechanism for the purchase of the interest of an owner who retires, dies, becomes disabled, or simply wishes to sell to someone else. If the sale or transfer results from retirement or death, the other owners (or the company) are obligated to purchase the ownership interest. In contrast, if an owner simply wants to withdraw, the other owners may exercise an option to purchase the withdrawing owner's shares to prevent them from being sold to an outsider, but it is up to the withdrawing owner to find an outside buyer.Third, the Buy-Sell Agreement specifies the mechanism for determining the purchase price. It also sets forth terms for how the purchase price will be paid. Owners often believe that they can resolve these issues as the circumstances arise. However, they may discover to their dismay at a later point, that "selling" owners do not have the same perspective on fair price as owners who wish to remain.Funding of the payment of the purchase price of a withdrawing Owner is handled by requiring the Owners to purchase life insurance on each other. This works well if the withdrawal occurs because of death. For other situations, the Buy-Sell Agreement allows the remaining Owners to pay over a period of time on an installment basis.Ideally, the Buy-Sell Agreement should be made and signed when the Company is formed (if the business will have more than one owner) or when it will first have more than one owner (if the business begins as a one-owner business). Generally, any disputes under the Buy-Sell Agreement should be handled under the laws of the state where the Company is located.

Differentiate between organisational customer and organisational stakeholder?

Organisational buyers are manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers and government agencies that buy goods and services for their own use or for resale. They include all buyers in a nation except the ultimate consumers.

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You know how you can go to Aaron's or Rent-a-Center and buy a television on the "rent to own" plan? A lease purchase is like that, except the payments are higher and you get an airplane instead of a TV.

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the democrats and republicans o my bad comunist In the U.S. you do not need a permit to purchase a pistol, except in Illinois, you must have a Firearms Ownser ID card.

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