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Slaves are those people who do not choose to work, but are forced to by a master or slave owner, usually indefinitly or for a very lenghtlly period of time. An example would be a Egyptian slave or an African-American slave in the United States prior to the American Civil War (1861-1885). An indentured servant are those people who choose to work, usually to pay off some form of debt. Then once the debt is paid off then they are free to do or work for whom ever they want. Indentured servants were common in the centuries following Columbus' "discovery" of the New World. During that time it was incredibly expenisve to travel to the New World, but one way to pay for the trip was to become an indentured servant. In that instance a company or very wealthy individual, would pay to ship the person and any supplies that his/her would have with them to the New World. Upon arriving at the New World the person would become the shippers indentured servant, having to do work for him/her usually working in the fields or around the shippers house. Then after about 5 years or so, depending on how long the agreed upon terms were, then the indentured servant would be set free and free to start a new life within the New World. Furthermore, the shipper upon releasing the servant would also give him/her some money to help build a new life. So the difference between a slave and a indentured servant is profound.

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Slaves were considered property and had no rights while white indentured servants were under a contract of service for a specific period of time in exchange for passage to the Americas. Indentured servants could eventually gain their freedom, while slaves were considered property for life and their children typically inherited their enslaved status.

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What factor differentiated indentured servants from slaves?

Whether the person was considered property

Why would a landowner rather use slaves then indentured servents?

Landowners might prefer slaves over indentured servants because slaves are considered property and can be owned for life, providing a more stable and permanent labor force. Slaves also have fewer legal protections and rights than indentured servants, giving landowners more control over their work and minimizing the risk of servants completing their terms and leaving. Additionally, the transatlantic slave trade made slaves more readily available and often cheaper to acquire than indentured servants.

Why do you think indentured servants became less common as slavery grew?

As slavery grew, planters and landowners found it more profitable to own slaves instead of using indentured servants. Slaves provided a lifetime of forced labor without pay, while indentured servants required payment and eventually gained freedom. Slavery also offered greater control and permanence over the labor force compared to indentured servitude.

Why did English colonists adopt slavery?

English colonists adopted slavery in order to meet the labor demands of their profitable industries, such as tobacco and sugar plantations. They saw enslaved Africans as a cheap and abundant source of labor that would help them maximize profits in their colonies. Additionally, they used racist ideologies to justify the enslavement of Africans and perpetuate the system.

Why were Indentured servant important?

Indentured servants were important in colonial America because they provided a source of cheap labor for industries such as agriculture and tobacco farming. They helped meet the labor demands of the growing colonies and allowed individuals who could not afford the cost of passage to America to work off their debt through a set period of servitude.

Related questions

Why did Chesapeake planters use black slaves more than indentured white servants after 1680?

declining death rates made slaves more profitable than indentured servants

How were indentured servants different then slaves?

Indentured servants were free white people who were working off Passage to the new world. Slave were people who were owned by another person and were considered property and not human.

What factor differentiated indentured servants from slaves?

Whether the person was considered property

What is the reason plantation owners preferred to have slaves rather than indentured servants?

Slaves were owned as property, but indentured servants were white people who signed a 7 year contract for transportation to the colonies. They could also blend in with the population while anyone who was black was a slave.

Why would a landowner rather use slaves then indentured servents?

Landowners might prefer slaves over indentured servants because slaves are considered property and can be owned for life, providing a more stable and permanent labor force. Slaves also have fewer legal protections and rights than indentured servants, giving landowners more control over their work and minimizing the risk of servants completing their terms and leaving. Additionally, the transatlantic slave trade made slaves more readily available and often cheaper to acquire than indentured servants.

Why would plantation owner prefer slaves instead of indentured servants?

The children of female slaves didn't need to be bought.

Who were the two presidents that were indentured servants as young boys?

Millard Fillmore and Andrew Johnson.

Who could be a citizen in the 18th century?

Answer:In the 18th century only white males and possibly middling or high could become a citizen slaves, white females and indentured servants could not.

Most white workers in colonial Virginia in 1625 were?

Indentured servants.

what caused the number of indentured servants in English colonies?

Improvements in conditions in Europe brought about a decrease in people attempting to leave the continent as indentured servants, and with the rise of the African slave trade, the need for indentured white servants that the colonists had to pay and eventually release decreased dramatically.

What caused the number indentured servants in English colonies to decrease?

Improvements in conditions in Europe brought about a decrease in people attempting to leave the continent as indentured servants, and with the rise of the African slave trade, the need for indentured white servants that the colonists had to pay and eventually release decreased dramatically.

The first Africans who came to America were?

by boats, white people on boats.