If generalizations are supported by the text or story,they are valid generalizations.If they are not supported by the text or by logic,they are faulty generalization.Hope that helps your learning desires!!!
Your answer giver,
A faulty generalization is a statement that's not true while a valid generalization is a true statement.
The difference between genuine and original is very simple. Genuine is something that is real while original is the first of something.
You can compare this with English usage. I can say to you, "Jeet yet?" and you would probably understand me to mean, "Did you eat yet?" One of these sentences is valid English, the other is questionable. In the same way you can write valid XML and you can write XML with numerous imperfections. Many XML language processors are capable of understanding both. However, it's safer to write valid XML.
difference between cro and powerscope?
There is no difference between the two products.
A faulty generalization is a statement that's not true while a valid generalization is a true statement.
Distinguishing between valid and faulty generalizations helps ensure that conclusions drawn from specific instances are accurate and reliable. Valid generalizations are based on sound reasoning and evidence, while faulty ones can lead to misinformation and unfair judgments. By being able to identify the difference, we can make better decisions and avoid stereotyping or making misleading assumptions.
a valid trust is true and an enforcebale trust can be enforced
The word valid means true and the word faulty means false.
A valid deductive argument will have a valid premise and conclusion and a fallacy may be true, it all matters on how you came to the conclusion.
The difference between genuine and original is very simple. Genuine is something that is real while original is the first of something.
Facts cannot be valid. They can only be true or false. Arguments, on the other hand, can be valid. A valid argument in one which must have a true conclusion provided that the premises are true (no guarantee of that though).
The requirement for a valid XHTML is that all the tags should be closed. This is actually the difference between HTML and XHTML.
There is no difference. Neither will work because neither is valid in C.
percent includes all answers, whereas valid percent excludes missing answers of I don't know or blanks
Ignorance is not knowing, whilst erroneous beliefs are more akin to delusions, which are faulty beliefs.
Valid and voidable are not same because valid is one which is enforcable in law and voidable" is on which is unenforceable in law. Difference between enforcable and unenforceable is enforcable is which is accepted in terms of law and unenforceable is which is not accepted in terms of law. So it cant be same...... - Krithika