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You can compare this with English usage. I can say to you, "Jeet yet?" and you would probably understand me to mean, "Did you eat yet?" One of these sentences is valid English, the other is questionable.

In the same way you can write valid XML and you can write XML with numerous imperfections. Many XML language processors are capable of understanding both. However, it's safer to write valid XML.

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Q: What is difference between XML and valid xml?
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Well-formed XML means that the XML is correct (it has only one root node, and all elements match an end element tag)Valid XML means that the XML can be validated to an XML Schema or DTD, and that all the tags in the XML are also in the Schema or DTD, and in the right place.

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XML is a language used to store data. XSLT is a language which is used to transform XML into other XML.

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The xml property returns the XML of a node and its descendants.Dimension is a type used for a variety of purposes for defining values

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you can use an xml editor to validate your xml and to make sure it is well formed and has no errors.

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it is the same way to create xml file by converting into txt you have to use the correct xml syntax ie <xml> this is to denote strat of xml file and this </xml> denotes end of xml file. You have to use the right xml code or your xml file wont be valid or well formed.

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It would be harder to describe the similarity between JavaScript and XML. These two languages are for entirely different purposes.

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That depends on what you want to do, xml tools include; xml parsers xml validators xml editors xml schema editors xml code generators

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What are the Component of an XML Document?

Oh, dude, an XML document has elements, attributes, and text. Elements are like the main characters in a story, attributes are the sidekicks with extra info, and text is like the dialogue that ties it all together. So, like, that's the basic rundown of what makes up an XML document.

Source code of xml?

there is no source code, xml is not a programming language, its a markup language for which you create your own tags, the basic xml syntax is <xml> to start an xml file, and </xml> to end the xml file.

What is the difference between GML Geography mark-Up Language and G-XML?

GML is a standard of the OGC and ISO (ISO 19136). G-XML is a standard of the Japanese Standards Association (JSA). Both standards are based on XML for the encoding of geographic information, however, G-XML is focused on location based services. G-XML is written in GML as a GML application schema.