Sound is a wave that is audible to the human ear. Speech is the process of stretching and relaxing the vocal cords to produce sound.
Speech is a specific form of sound that is produced by humans using vocal cords and is organized into meaningful patterns of language. Sound, on the other hand, refers to any audible vibration that is detected by the ear, regardless of whether it carries linguistic meaning or not. In essence, speech is a type of sound that carries language and communication.
A speech sound, also known as a phoneme, is a distinct unit of sound in spoken language. It is the smallest unit of sound that can differentiate meaning between words. Different languages may have different sets of speech sounds.
Articulation refers to the physical movements of the speech organs to produce speech sounds, phonation is the vibration of the vocal cords to produce sound, and speech is the overall expression of sounds, including articulation and phonation, to convey language.
In linguistics, a phoneme is a distinct sound unit that can change the meaning of a word, while a phone is a specific instance of a sound produced by a speaker. Phonemes are abstract representations of sounds, while phones are the actual sounds produced in speech.
A monophthong is a speech sound characterized by a single, unchanging vowel sound.
Vocal refers to producing sound with the voice, typically through speech or singing. Auditory refers to the sense of hearing and processing sound waves through the ears. In summary, vocal is related to producing sound, while auditory pertains to perceiving and interpreting sound.
what is the difference between digital sound and digitized sound
what is the difference between the sound of canaries and parakeets
no its the same.
you figure it out
Say what
Television speech are visual while radio speech are audio
The difference between silent film and sound film is because that silent film has no sound whatsoever and a sound film has sounds in it
A speech sound, also known as a phoneme, is a distinct unit of sound in spoken language. It is the smallest unit of sound that can differentiate meaning between words. Different languages may have different sets of speech sounds.
Articulation refers to the physical movements of the speech organs to produce speech sounds, phonation is the vibration of the vocal cords to produce sound, and speech is the overall expression of sounds, including articulation and phonation, to convey language.
parts of speech is the different types of words in a sentence.Figures of speech is how you speak
The difference between h and o is that h has a hu sound o has an oh or an oo sound.
a sound is sounded and a letter is written