Infiltration is the absorption and downward movement of water into the soil layer, whereas interception is the capture of precipitation by the plant canopy (and is returned to the atmosphere through evapouration or sublimation).
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an interception is when you steal the ball but a fumble is when you drop it
an interception is when you steal the ball but a fumble is when you drop it
infiltration is strictly downward motion in the direction of gravity while seepage can be in any direction.
infiltration is different because when it happens the rain soaks underground it doesn't fall back into bodies of water like runoff does.
infiltration is different because when it happens the rain soaks underground it doesn't fall back into bodies of water like runoff does.
Both terms phlebitis and infiltration are terms related to Intravenous. Infiltration is the situation when fluid from the IV leaks from the vein into the surrounding tissue. Phlebitis is the actual irritation that occurs in the vein and surrounding tissues.
the liver shows increased echogenicity compatible with fatty ifiltration.
It seems that infiltration rate is a soil parameter which is determined in the field with all soil aspects. However, hydraulic conductivity is determined in the lab and it is not typically illustrated soil permiability as compared with infiltration rate
Its basically the part of precipitation retained temporarily at the ground surface as interception or depression storage so that it doesn't appear as infiltration or surface runoff
Evaporation, condensation, advection, percipitation, runoff, groundwater, infiltration, transpiration, and sublimation(not in order)
Interception refers to the capture and temporary storage of precipitation by vegetation, before it reaches the ground. Overland flow, on the other hand, is the movement of water over the ground surface when precipitation exceeds the infiltration capacity of the soil. Interception reduces the amount of water that reaches the ground, whereas overland flow is the result of excess water unable to infiltrate the soil.
Infiltration refers to the process of water entering and moving through the soil surface. Percolation, on the other hand, is the movement of water downward through the soil layers. Infiltration occurs at the soil surface, while percolation happens within the soil profile.