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infiltration is different because when it happens the rain soaks underground it doesn't fall back into bodies of water like runoff does.

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Q: What is the difference between infiltration and runoff?
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Whats the difference between infiltration and runoff?

infiltration is different because when it happens the rain soaks underground it doesn't fall back into bodies of water like runoff does.

What will be the relationship between infiltration and runoff in a region with a moderate slope that has a permeable surface material covered with sparse vegetation?

In this scenario, infiltration will likely be high due to the permeable surface material, allowing water to penetrate the soil easily. Runoff will be lower due to the moderate slope promoting water absorption and the sparse vegetation helping to slow down surface flow. Overall, there will be a balance between infiltration and runoff, with more water entering the soil compared to flowing as runoff.

How does urbanization paving etc affect runoff and infiltration in a small previously forested drainage basin?

Infiltration decreases; runnoff increases

What is the difference between infiltration and seepage?

infiltration is strictly downward motion in the direction of gravity while seepage can be in any direction.

What are the affects of infiltration rate?

The infiltration rate affects the amount of water that can penetrate the soil, impacting groundwater recharge and soil moisture levels. Higher infiltration rates can reduce surface runoff and erosion, while lower rates can lead to waterlogging and increased runoff. Managing infiltration rates is important for sustainable water resource management and soil health.

How can soils type effect surface water runoff?

Soil type can affect surface water runoff by influencing the rate of infiltration. Sandy soils allow water to infiltrate quickly, reducing runoff, while clayey soils can cause water to runoff more quickly due to lower infiltration rates. Compacted soils also increase runoff by limiting water penetration into the soil.

Factors that impact drainage density?

runoff- the higher the evaporation the lower the drainage desity.the amount of rainfall and infiltration. if there is more rainfall there is less infiltration

Key words in water cycle?

evaporation, condensation, precipitation, infiltration, sublimation, runoff...

What is the relationship between soil and flooding?

Soil plays a key role in the absorption and infiltration of water. Healthy soil with good structure can help to mitigate flooding by soaking up excess water and reducing surface runoff. Compacted or degraded soil, on the other hand, can increase the risk of flooding by decreasing infiltration rates and promoting runoff.

What is the relationship for runoff abstractions and precipitation?

Runoff abstractions refer to the portion of precipitation that is prevented from entering a water body due to interception, infiltration, or evaporation. It is essentially the amount of water that does not contribute to surface runoff. The relationship between runoff abstractions and precipitation is that as precipitation increases, the amount of water available for abstractions also increases, potentially impacting the overall runoff volume.

What is The best description of the relationship between runoff and groundwater is that?

Runoff and groundwater are interconnected components of the hydrological cycle. Runoff is surface water that flows over the ground and eventually recharges groundwater through infiltration. Groundwater, in turn, can discharge into surface water bodies or be pumped for various uses, completing the cycle.

What are the nine steps of the water cycle?

Evaporation, condensation, advection, percipitation, runoff, groundwater, infiltration, transpiration, and sublimation(not in order)