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An ancestor is someone who existed before you (e.g grandmother), whereas a descendant is someone who existed because of you (e.g son).

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10mo ago

An ancestor is a person from whom one is descended, while a descendant is a person who is descended from a particular ancestor. An ancestor is someone who comes before you in a family tree, while a descendant comes after you in a family tree.

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What is the difference between ascendant and descendant?

Ascendant means rising in power, and descendant means is a person, animal or plant who is the offspring of someone before them, like an ancestor. For ascendant, think of a leader who gains power over the year. For descendant, think of someone who just found out they are related to a famous figure.

What is another word of 'ancestor'?

"Another word for ancestor is descendant," suggests a previous contributor.Not true - they're opposites. Your grandfather is your ancestor, you are your grandfather's descendant.Forebears, however, means the same. Descendant is an antonym for ancestor. Forerunner and predecessor are two synonyms for ancestor.

What the opposite of descendant?

The opposite of the noun descendant (offspring) would be ancestor or forebear. The opposite of the adjective descendant is ascendant.

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Could ancestor be the opposite of descendant?

Yes it can

How do you describe a lineage?

ancestor-descendant sequence of populations.

What is the difference between descended and ascended?

Ascendant means rising in power, and descendant means is a person, animal or plant who is the offspring of someone before them, like an ancestor. For ascendant, think of a leader who gains power over the year. For descendant, think of someone who just found out they are related to a famous figure.

What are Descendant organisms?

Descendant organisms are organisms that share many in common because they share a common ancestor.

What is the similar and opposite of ancestor?

Similar: Descendant - a person's child, grandchild, or later offspring. Opposite: Descendant - a person's ancestor.

What are decendents?

decedent are children of the people before them.

What is the difference between a relatives and an ancestor?

ancestors are dead