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Ascendant means rising in power, and descendant means is a person, animal or plant who is the offspring of someone before them, like an ancestor. For ascendant, think of a leader who gains power over the year. For descendant, think of someone who just found out they are related to a famous figure.

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Q: What is the difference between ascendant and descendant?
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What is the difference between descended and ascended?

Ascendant means rising in power, and descendant means is a person, animal or plant who is the offspring of someone before them, like an ancestor. For ascendant, think of a leader who gains power over the year. For descendant, think of someone who just found out they are related to a famous figure.

What the opposite of descendant?

The opposite of the noun descendant (offspring) would be ancestor or forebear. The opposite of the adjective descendant is ascendant.

What is the meaning lineal ascendant or descendant?

Father or mother

What is the literal meaning of descendant?

Descendent., One who descends, as offspring, however remotely; -- correlative to ancestor or ascendant.

What is the opposite of descended?

The opposite of the noun descendant (offspring) would be ancestor or forebear. The opposite of the adjective descendant is ascendant.

What is Gerard way's ascendant sign?

his ascendant sign is gemini.

What is the difference between ancestor and descendant?

An ancestor is a person from whom one is descended, while a descendant is a person who is descended from a particular ancestor. An ancestor is someone who comes before you in a family tree, while a descendant comes after you in a family tree.

When was Atlantis Ascendant created?

Atlantis Ascendant was created in 2000-11.

How many pages does Ascendant Sun have?

Ascendant Sun has 384 pages.

When was Ascendant Sun created?

Ascendant Sun was created in 2000-03.

How can you Get the analysis for planets in your ascendant?

You won't have planets in your ascendant, you will have planets in your "natal chart". The natal chart is a snapshot of the sky at the exact moment you were born, at the location you were born. Within your natal chart, you will have an ascendant. The ascendant is the eastern horizon.

What is the difference betewen a dog and a wolf?

a dog is domesticated descendant of the wolf