When relatives stay together for long they become ancestor to our grand children's...
A relative refers to any person related to you by blood or marriage, such as parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. An ancestor specifically refers to someone who is part of your direct line of descent, like your grandparents, great-grandparents, etc. In other words, all ancestors are relatives, but not all relatives are ancestors.
The African slave trade involved the capture and forced transportation of Africans to be sold as slaves within Africa and to other regions like the Americas, Europe, and the Middle East. The American slave trade refers specifically to the transatlantic slave trade, which involved the forced transportation of Africans to the Americas to be enslaved on plantations. The American slave trade was a subset of the broader African slave trade.
The Hawthorne effect is a phenomenon where individuals modify their behavior because they are aware of being observed. This can lead to changes in behavior or performance that may not be reflective of their true capabilities or habits. The effect was first observed during a series of experiments conducted at the Western Electric Hawthorne Works in the 1920s and 1930s.
Starting a swinger lifestyle should ideally involve open and honest communication between all parties involved. It's important to establish boundaries, rules, and expectations beforehand to ensure everyone's comfort and safety. It might also be beneficial to join swinger communities or clubs to meet like-minded individuals and learn more about the lifestyle.
Egalitarian marriage is NOT bad. All an egalitarian marriage means, is that a man and wife share equal rights and responsibilities to decisions and work within a marriage. That means they each have equal say in all financial decisions, regardless of who earns more, and that they each have a shared role of housework, and child care duties as the other, (provided they both work). Dad has equal say in whats best for the kids, and mom has equal say in how money should be spent. No one in an egalitarian marriage "wears the pants" and the man is not the head of the house, nor is the wife the cook/babysitter/maid. Each spouse has the right to initiate sex however/whenever he or she pleases, but also has the duty to please his or her partner. Intimacy is a shared responsibility. The whole POINT of an egalitarian marriage is that both husband and wife do equal work, and have equal say in sex, money, chores, and parenting. However, this is completely at the discretion of the married couple and is not a social movement that would hinder the free rights and choices of the married couple. Some married couples would rather not practice such a dual-split responsibility agenda and live according to what their parents believed and practiced as well as previous generations before them. Many females enjoy playing a role that is thought of by many as a constricting and even "oppressed" life of staying at home and adhering to what they think of as "women duties." Likewise, such couples feel most comfortable when the male works outside the home to assume the financial responsibilities for the family which is equally as important. As they live together they create an environment that is most comfortable to them.
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whats the difference between cost and list?
whats the relative and absoulute location of Venezuela
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Whats the difference between maths lit and pure maths
There is a difference
There are no difference between them they are the same thing.
The difference between 309 and 132 is 177 numbers.
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whats the difference between midAtlantic and new England