The difference between a graph and a diagram is as follows: a diagram is a chart which shows a drawing and a graph is a graph with lines or bars indicating something specific in numbers.
difference between cross section and block daigram
a picture graph is an actual picture of the item being graphed and a picto graph is a symbol of the item being graphed
finite automata
pictographs have pictures bar graphs have bars
State diagram represents behavior without noting the classes involved whereas sequence diagram represents behavior, by describing how classes move from state to state
The difference between graph and diagram :- Diagram 1) Diagram can be drawn on plain paper and any sort of paper. 2) Diagram is more effective and impressive. 3) Diagram have everlasting effect. 4) Diagram cannot be used as median, mode etc. 5) Diagram can be represented as an approximate idea. Graph 1) Graph can be drawn only on plain paper. 2) Graph is not more effective and impressive. 3) Graph don't have everlasting effect. 4) Graph can be used as median, mode etc. 5) Graph cannot be represented as an approximate idea.
one is a diagram like a chart or graph, and one is a design like a blue print
the difference between a constant in a graph and a constant in a experiment is that when on a graph, the constant is the thing that changes, and in a experiment it is the part that stays the same.
a line graph is over time. a bar graph is not
There is no difference...same thing
The difference between a bar graph and a double bar graph is...... A bar graph displays one set of data, and a double bar graph compares two different sets of information/data.So should have a key.
a pie graph shows percentages and a bar graph shows numbers and amounts
a bar graph is just a graph but a double bar graph compares 2 things!
A histogram is a type of graph
the answer is, interval
Graph is a pictorial or graphical representation between or among different things. Graph helps an individual in taking quick actions.