

Best Answer
  • The throttling devise can be the valve or the copper tubing that allows the flow of the refrigerant through very small opening also called as the orifice. The throttling devices allow restricted flow of the refrigerant. The throttling devices are also called as the expansion valves because when the refrigerant passes through them the pressure of the refrigerant drops down or it expands..
  • Capillary tube is one of the most commonly used throttling devices in the refrigeration and the air conditioning systems. The capillary tube is a copper tube of very small internal diameter. It is of very long length and it is coiled to several turns so that it would occupy less space. The internal diameter of the capillary tube used for the refrigeration and air conditioning applications varies from 0.5 to 2.28 mm (0.020 to 0.09 inches). Capillary tube used as the throttling device in the domestic refrigerators, deep freezers, water coolers and air conditioners.
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Q: What is the difference between a capillary tube and a expansion valve?
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What advantage does a capillary tube have over a thermostatic expansion valve.?

Thermostatic expansion valve allows more refrigerant into the evaporator coil during a hot pulldown it allows the evaporator to reach peak performance faster

What advantage does a capillary tube have over a thermostatic expansion valve?

Thermostatic expansion valve allows more refrigerant into the evaporator coil during a hot pulldown it allows the evaporator to reach peak performance faster

What advantage does a capillary tube valve have over a thermostatic expansion?

Thermostatic expansion valve allows more refrigerant into the evaporator coil during a hot pulldown it allows the evaporator to reach peak performance faster

What advantages does a capillary tube have over a thermostatic expansion valve?

Thermostatic expansion valve allows more refrigerant into the evaporator coil during a hot pulldown it allows the evaporator to reach peak performance faster

What advantage does a thermostatic expansion valve have over a capillary tube?

Thermostatic expansion valve allows more refrigerant into the evaporator coil during a hot pulldown it allows the evaporator to reach peak performance faster

What is the function of capillary tube in air conditioning?

Its a tube used to transmit internal refrigerant pressure from a remote sensing bulb to an expansion valve diaphragm............................

What is the difference between check valve and nonreturn valve?

There is no difference between check valve and NRV, both are same

What advantages does a thermostatic valve have over a capillary tube?

Thermostatic expansion valve allows more refrigerant into the evaporator coil during a hot pulldown it allows the evaporator to reach peak performance faster

What is the difference between solenoid valve and control valve?

I believe that servo is motorized and solenoid is magnetically activated.

Where is ac expansion valve on 07 Lincoln MKX how I you change it?

The expansion valve is located between the evaporator and the high and low pressure line connections. It is in the firewall behind the engine. Follow the hoses to the passenger compartment and they will terminate on the expansion valve.

What is the different between capillary and valve?

A capilliary is a minute blood vessel - a valve is something found usually in a vein or artery - which stops blood flowing 'backwards'

How can you tell the difference between intake valve and exhuast valve?

no you cant