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XV is shutoff valve

UV is under control valve

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Q: Difference between UV valve and XV valve?
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Where was the stapler invented?

The first known stapler was made in France for King Louis XV in the 1700's.

Why was the stapler invented?

A simple reason for the invention of the stapler would be to ease our work and keeping all the documents together. It was invented when a lot of paperwork started taking pace and need to keep them together increased. King Louis XV invented the first stapler in 18th century.

Who invented the stapler?

The very first stapler belonged to king Louis XV of France. The elaborate, handmade staples were imprinted with the royal insignia and were used to fasten together court documents. In 1868 Charles Gould received a British patent for a wire that was stitcher that could be used to bind magazines. His invention used uncut wire That was then cut to length, the pointed ends forced through the paper, and the ends folded down. The device was a direct predecessor of the modern stapler.

How many KW equal to 250KVA?

If the power factor is 1, i.e. a resistive load, the 1 KVA is 1 KW. If the power factor is less than 1, i.e. a reactive load, then multiply PF by KVA to get KW. For example, if PF is 0.92 and KVA is 1, then KW is 0.92.

How do you create interactive buddy scripts yourself?

There is a tutorial. Here:ShockScript is a scripting engine for Flash written by me, Shock Value. It allows you to write your own scripts to make events occur in the gameworld. For example, you might write a script that causes an explosion to occur if the Buddy touches a wall. Or you might write a script that shoots a continuous stream of baseballs at the Buddy. (Both of these examples are provided as sample scripts, among others.) It's all up to you. However, to get these results, you must familiarize yourself with the language. These help files assume that you have at least a basic understanding of programming concepts. If you are familiar with Flash Actionscript or JavaScript, you should have no problem. If you are new to programming, then you will need to learn basic programming concepts first, which is knowledge that is outside the scope of these help files. Expressions are written just as they are in Actionscript or Javascript. 1+2 evaluates to 3. 1+2*3 evaluates to 7. (3*(8-6)-2)*(3+3) evaluates to 24. ShockScript includes all of the operators that are available in Actionsript and uses the same precedence rules as ActionScript uses. * : multiplication / : devision % : modulo + : addition and string concatenation - : subtraction << : bitwise left shift >> : bitwise right shift >>> : bitwise unsigned right shift < : less than <= : less than or equal to > : greater than >= : greater than or equal to == : equal to != : not equal to & : bitwise AND ^ : bitwise XOR | : bitwise OR && : logical AND : logical OR The operators above are ordered by decreasing precedence. Variables are assigned as follows. myVar = 1+2; 'myVar' now holds the value '3'. anotherVar = "variable number "+2; 'anotherVar' now holds the string "variable number 2" thirdVar = 1+myVar*2; 'thirdVar' now holds the value '7' Variables can also be assigned by using the assign(varName,expression) function, which will be explained later. Semicolons (;) separate lines of code and MUST be used. This is unlike Actionscript, which recognizes line breaks as well as semicolons as ending lines of code. Example: myVar = "Hello!"; trace(myVar); setGrav(0) Functions can be used as follows: someFunction(argument1,argument2) You cannot define your own functions; you must use the built in ones. However, there are many built in functions which are listed on the following help page. You can use functions anywhere an expression is used, just like in ActionScript. Function LIST!!: text,time) explode(x,y,power) 1.0 is about normal for power create(objectType,x,y,xVelocity,yVelocity) valid objectType strings: "baseball", "molotov", "bowlball", "bouncyball", "grenade", "fireball", "mine", "baby", "orb", "radio", "vortex". Returns the unique objectName assigned to the object you created. destroy(objectName) removes specified object (if destructable) noAutoDelete(objectName) makes specified object not be auto deleted when adding more objects; note that it can still be destroyed through destroy() function or through a mousover when a throwing item is selected addConstraint(objectName,x,y,len) adds a constraint to specified target (objectName) at x, y of length len; constraint is removed when object is deleted addSpring(objectName,x,y,strength) similar to addConstraint, except with a flexible attachment; strength can be between 0.0-1.0, but lower numbers (like .05) work best resetForces() resets all added forces (constraints, springs, etc.) flashMessage(text, timeInFrames) water(x, y, xv, yv, lifeSpanInFrames, strength, spread, size, disappearOnContact) fireClip(x, y, xv, yv, lifeInFrames, scale) about 4.0 is normal for scale addBuddyVel(x,y) setBuddyVel(x,y) setBuddyPos(x,y) addBuddyRot(rotationAmount) setBuddyRot(angleRadians) getBuddyRot() getBuddyX() getBuddyY() getEmotion() returns happiness of buddy from -100.0 to 100.0 getXV(objectName) returns x velocity of object, valid strings for objectName: "body", "rArm", "lArm", "rLeg", "lLeg", plus all strings returned by 'create' function (see ex-throwableBall) getYV(objectName) ... y velocty ... getX(name) ... x position ... getY(name) ... y position ... playSound(soundName) resetVariables() resets all user variables pow(x,y) returns x to the y power sin(x) cos(x) tan(x) atan(x) atan2(x,y) max(x,y) returns greater value min(x,y) returns lesser value sign(x) returns -1 if negative, 0 if 0, 1 if positive random() returns random floating point, 0.0 to 1.0 randomBet(x,y) returns random floating point between x and y sqrt(x) ceil(x) floor(x) round(x) pi() returns pi (3.14159...) e() returns e asin(x) acos(x) abs(x) absolute value charAt(string,letterPosition) bnot(x) returns false if x is true, true if x is false bor(x,y) logical OR (same as xy) band(x,y) logical AND (same as x&&y) above(x,y) returns true if x is greater than y, else false (same as x>y) below(x,y) x<y equal(x,y) x==y sqr(x) returns x*x exp(x) returns e to the x log(x) gettime() returns time since movie start, in seconds getXMouse() getYMouse() getMouseDown() if(value,arg1,arg2) This is the if statement in ShockScript. It is actually set up like a function, but it works differently. First it evaluates 'value'. If it is true, then 'arg1' is evaluated and returned. Otherwise 'arg2' is evaluated and returned. Note that after 'value' is evaluated, either 'arg1' or 'arg2' will be evaluated, not both. loop(num,arg) This function evaluates 'arg' for 'num' number of times (the maximum is 2000) setBuffer(bufferNumber,position,value) Sets the element at 'position' of the 'bufferNumber' buffer (or array) to the 'value'. 'bufferNumber' may be any number from 0 to 1000 getBuffer(bufferNumber, position) Returns the element at 'position' of the 'bufferNumber' buffer. assign(myVar,value) Same as writing 'myVar = value'. Note that the first argument of the function is not a string, it is the exact text that you write. You would use this function like this: assign(x,10); which would set variable 'x' to '10'. evaluate(scriptText) This function allows you to evaluate text as if it were ShockScript code. Example: 'evaluate("x = "+10)' would evaluate 'x = 10' and thus set variable 'x' to '10'. firstRun() This function returns true on the first run of your code when 'Run Every Frame' is checked, and false on every other run. If you click 'Run Once', it is also true for that run. When writing scripts, be sure that they conform to general coding standards and those listed above. ShockScript has little to no error detection, so erroneous scripts might compile and run with unexpected results. In Flash, syntax errors are recognized by the compiler automatically, but again, in ShockScript this is not the case. The reason ShockScript has no error detection is simple--I just don't have to time to write it in. The process would be difficult and full of bugs. And it would never be perfectly consistant, so I wouldn't want people to rely on it. So, unfortunately, you will have to locate all syntax errors yourself. Also, all example scripts should be set to run every frame unless otherwise noted. This includes th function list as well! BYE!

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What was the family relationship between king Charles the iii of Spain and king Louis the xv of France?

King Charles's father (Philip V) was the uncle of Louis XV, so that made Charles and Louis XV grandnephews.

How do you write 15 in Roman numerals?

XV is 15 in "roman" numerals.

Who is carl xv from Sweden?

He was a king who ruled Sweden between the years of 1857-1872.

What is xv in roman numrals?

XV = 15

Can you work out XV cubed in roman numerals?

First calculate XV (15) squared then multiply this by XV which in effect is XV cubed. XV squared = X(XV)+V(XV) Multiplying out the brackets = CL+LXXV When simplified = CCXXV XV times CCXXV = X(CCXXV)+V(CCXXV) Multiplying out the brackets = MMCCL+DDLLXXV When simplified = MMMCCCLXXV Therefore XV cubed = MMMCCCLXXV (3375) David Gambell, Merseyside, England.

What do xv reperesent in roman numerals?

XV = 15

What is XV in roman numerals?

It is: XV = 15

What is xv in Hindu Arabic?

XV = 15

What is the answer to xv?

As a Roman numeral XV is equivalent to 15

When was Highveld XV created?

Highveld XV was created in 2009.

When was XV Gymnasium created?

XV Gymnasium was created in 1964.

When was Pampas XV created?

Pampas XV was created in 2010.