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Cognitive anxiety is basically the psychological (mental) side of anxiety, it acts on the brain, and has symptoms such as; poor concentration, confusion, negative images and fear, whereas Somatic anxiety is the physical side of it, and acts upon the body, with symptoms such as; 'butterflies' in the stomach, tense muscles, sweating and nausea.

Cognitive state anxiety is moment-to-moment changes in worry and negative thoughts, and Somatic state anxiety is moment-to-moment changes in perceived physiological arousal (arousal being a negative blend of physiological and psychological emotions).

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Cognitive anxiety involves excessive worry, negative thoughts, and fear of failure, while somatic anxiety refers to the physical symptoms of anxiety such as rapid heartbeat, sweating, and muscle tension. Cognitive anxiety is more focused on thoughts and perceptions, while somatic anxiety manifests as physical sensations in the body.

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Q: What is the difference between Cognitive and Somatic anxiety?
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What is the difference between a delusion and cognitive distortion?

A delusion is a fixed, false belief that is maintained despite evidence to the contrary, often associated with psychotic disorders. Cognitive distortions are irrational or biased ways of thinking that can lead to negative emotions and behaviors, commonly seen in mental health conditions like depression or anxiety. Delusions are more extreme and disconnected from reality compared to cognitive distortions.

What is cognitive distance?

Cognitive distance refers to the gap or difference between an individual's current understanding or mental model of a concept or situation and the new information they are encountering. It is the discrepancy between what is known and what is being learned, leading to a state of discomfort or mental effort as the individual tries to resolve this inconsistency. Cognitive distance plays a key role in learning and can prompt cognitive restructuring and deeper understanding.

What is the difference between conditional theory and cognitive theory?

Conditional theory emphasizes the influence of external factors on behavior, such as rewards and punishments, while cognitive theory focuses on how internal mental processes like thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions shape behavior. Conditional theory suggests behavior is learned through conditioning, while cognitive theory highlights the role of thoughts and interpretations in guiding behavior.

What is the difference between cognitive and comparative thinking?

Cognitive thinking refers to mental processes involved in perception, memory, problem-solving, and decision-making. Comparative thinking, on the other hand, involves analyzing similarities and differences between two or more objects, ideas, or concepts to make judgments or reach conclusions. Cognitive thinking is more focused on internal mental processes, while comparative thinking involves external evaluation and analysis of information.

What is cognitive movement?

Cognitive movement refers to the relationship between physical movement and cognitive functioning. It involves using physical activity to enhance cognitive processes such as attention, memory, and problem-solving. This approach is often used in educational and therapeutic settings to improve learning and cognitive skills.

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