To do it very slow. Don't be rushed- be relaxed. Just excercise 500 calories each day for a weak (= 3500 cal.) Try to reduce your daily intake by 500 calories and burning another 500 calories.
the best way to lose a couple of pounds is to spend it on coffee.
The best way to lose ten pounds in one month is to sweat. Sweating can make you lose a very large amount of water weight very quickly.
It is unsafe to starve yourself in order to lose weight. The best way to lose weight is by eating a balanced diet and lots of exercise.
Go on a diet and lose 50 lbs.
diet and excercise. its not safe to lose weight fast regardless of age.
Reduce intake of calories...............
my weight is 77.i want reduce my weight 20 at 2 months what i can do?
Changing your eating habits and increasing your exercise(:
i say you eat more..
The quickest way to lose 20 pounds is to sweat. Your body accumulates water weight which can add up fast.
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I think the best way is Intermittent Fasting Is an Effective Way to Lose Weight. Fasting—defined as reducing or eliminating your calorie intake for a set period of time—has often been cited as a great way to lose weight and keep pounds off. Learn How to lose Weight Fast Click: linktr. ee/sam808 (remove the space)