

What is maximal stimulus?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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14y ago

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Maximal Stimulus is the weakest stimulus at which all muscle cells in the muscle are contracting.

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Q: What is maximal stimulus?
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What is the definition of maximal stimulus?

The maximal stimulus is the strongest stimulus that produces increased muscle contractile force.

What has happened in the muscle when the maximal stimulus is achieved?

Each of the individual muscle fibers in the muscle are contracted when the maximal stimulus is achieved. Dr. H.

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Maximal Tetanus Tension

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Submaximal Stimulus results in complete contraction of some fibers. It causes contraction more than subminimal stimulus and less than maximal stimulus.

The strongest muscle contractions are normally achieved by?

Increasing stimulation up to the maximal stimulus

Strong stimuli cause the amplitude of action potentials generated to increase?

Yes. ....Up to a point. There is a threshold the stimulus must surpass before creating a CAP (compound action potential). Anything below this threshold is called subthreshold. Once the stimulus is strong enough cause a CAP it is a stimulus threshold. At this point the CAP will continue to increase as the intensity of the stimulus increases (now termed suprathreshold) until a maximal stimulus causes a maximum response. Any stimulus stronger than the maximal stimulus is called a supramaximal and does not result in any larger a CAP than the maximum response caused by the maximal stimulus. source:

The strongest muscle contractions are normally achieved by what?

The strongest muscle contractions are normally achieved by increasing the stimulation up to the maximal stimulus. There are various classifications of contractions, including eccentric and concentric.

What is maximal speed?

Maximal strength is when your stamina improves in your muscle's.

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Point Of Maximal ImpulsePoint of Maximum impulse or Point of Maximum Intensitypoint of maximal intensitypoint of maximal impulse

Why is there a maximal voltage for muscles?

All of the muscles in the muscle fiber have contracted when there is a maximal voltage and there is a maximal voltage to prevent injury to our muscles. Dr. Sayed

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