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The maximal stimulus is the strongest stimulus that produces increased muscle contractile force.

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Q: What is the definition of maximal stimulus?
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What is the definition of a submaximal stimulus?

A submaximal stimulus refers to an intensity level of a stimulus that is below the maximum level that a system or organism can respond to. It is often used in exercise physiology to describe a workload that does not elicit a maximal performance or physiological response.

What has happened in the muscle when the maximal stimulus is achieved?

Each of the individual muscle fibers in the muscle are contracted when the maximal stimulus is achieved. Dr. H.

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Maximal Tetanus Tension

The strongest muscle contractions are normally achieved by?

Increasing stimulation up to the maximal stimulus

Strong stimuli cause the amplitude of action potentials generated to increase?

Yes, strong stimuli can cause an increase in the amplitude of action potentials generated by neurons. This is known as recruitment of more neurons or an increase in the frequency of action potentials to convey the stronger stimulus information.

What voltage produced maximal contraction of the muscle?

The voltage that produces maximal contraction of a muscle is called the maximal stimulus voltage. This voltage is typically higher than the threshold voltage required to elicit a muscle contraction and ensures that all muscle fibers within a motor unit are stimulated to contract simultaneously, leading to a stronger contraction.

What is the definition of a neutral stimulus?

Neutral stimulus is a stimulus which initially produces no specific response other than focusing attention. In classical conditioning

What principle states that the properties of the action potential are independent of the relative strength of the depolarizing stimulus?

The all-or-none principle states that the properties of an action potential, such as amplitude and duration, are independent of the intensity of the stimulus that triggers it. This means that once a threshold stimulus is reached, the action potential will fire at maximal strength regardless of the strength of the initial stimulus.

What is definition of novel stimuli?

More than one new stimulus

What is the definition of environmental stimulus?

i don't even know. anyone else?

Definition of pulse -rated system?

this is a training system which raises an individual's pulse rate from 60% to 80% of his Maximal Heart Rate (MHR).

What is maximal speed?

Maximal strength is when your stamina improves in your muscle's.