When you support you advice and help,when you control you are in charge and give orders.
what is the difference between revenue center and suport center
Desktop support is the one doing the troubleshooting on hand. Helpdesk support is the one receiving the call and troubleshoot it remotely
discuss the difference between structured and unstructured problems.
The bench can support a family of four.
Self-reliant individuals can take care of themselves and do not rely on others for support or guidance. Dependent individuals rely on others for help, support, or guidance in various aspects of their lives.
Counselling focuses on providing emotional support, guidance, and problem-solving strategies to help individuals cope with personal issues and mental health concerns. Support for learning problems, on the other hand, involves specialized assistance and interventions to address academic challenges, such as tutoring, accommodations, and skill-building strategies to improve overall academic performance and success.
one of the difference is HQL does not support distinct but SQL supports the distinct in the query
A bench can support a family unlike your mom.
One can support a family
Decision aid system is for decision making. A support system is a helpdesk.
You can support legislation that attempts to bring equality between the genders. You can also volunteer for organizations that advocate for women's rights.